I get the feeling that Barry is acting out a lot, because he doesn't want to get frowned upon by Jan.
A lot of the times Barry talks like a fucking feminist.
Which is no surprise because Barry;'s girlfreind Jan is a feminist (or more accurately, into "women studies", whatever that is)
Since when did guys desribe other guys as "shallow", that's just utter chick-talk to me.
WHen Barry tells stories of his LA experiences, it's obvious he had a lot of fun, he lost his virginity, banged quite a few chicks and has some very interesting stories to tell. i.e. the backpack sex girl.
But he always concludes with how he wasted his time/got fucked/became shallow because of his experienced.
I think he's just become polarized by his own rhetoric. Back in the beginning he wasn't 100% against the scene. He would always say, "Get what you can from it and get out." I think as time went on and he started to identify himself and his show as "anti-scene" he became more and more against it to a retarded and illogical degree.
Unfortunately Berry fanboys followed suit and now they're all 100% anti-everything-pickup. Just like a year ago they were posting FR's and LR's on RSDnation talking about how they didn't have enough woo on their cold approaches that day. Same shit different angle.
Fuck bitches. Have fun. Live life. Worry about yourself. Stop being a homo. Fuck off. Die.
PS I hate finals.